Monday, January 26, 2015

Unique Visitor Metrics Help Digital Marketers Monitor Ongoing Site Performance

Website owners large or small, for-profit or non-profit, individually-owned or governmental should evaluate unique visitor traffic data regularly. Estimated unique visitor counts, which ignore repeat sessions from the same browser ID (or mobile ID) provides a baseline on-going metric of visitors that engage with a website at least once during the measurement period. Unexpected declines in website traffic should be investigated immediately to determine causes for the reduced traffic, which can include technical website performance problems needing immediate attention.

Conversion Rates − The One Metric to Have

If William Shakespeare were writing Hamlet in 2015, he might have been tempted to write the famous protagonist soliloquy as, “To convert or not to convert?” due to today’s author and playwright blogging importance in promoting their creative work. Whether “Modern” Shakespeare would be looking to create an email contact list, RSS feed subscribers list or free Q1 of Hamlet download, micro-conversion rates per event, based on Shakespeare’s unique website visitors, would have been the key performance indicator providing him with actionable outcome intelligence.